— starbeam —

Energy Work | Sonic Spellcasting | Heart-Centered Mysticism

Get you out of your head and into your body through intentional frequency resonance shift.


Please click the link below for Starbeam’s current availability


Starbeam brings energetic support through sonic spellcasting and crystal energy channeling during her “Rainbow Energy” sessions, and visionary support through tarot and meditative journeying during her “Rainbow Road Opener” sessions.

Rainbow Energy {In-Person, Only}:
This session is designed to get you out of your head and into your body through intentional frequency resonance shift. Each session is intuitively tailored to your needs! The journey begins with grounding by steel drum to open your root chakra for gentle energetic release, followed by a full scan to determine the most receptive energy centers. As you relax and receive, Starbeam will cast an energetic spell using tuning forks of specific chakra frequencies and call in crystal energies that align with your intentions. The benefit of this session is to be more present in your body, awaken your subtle senses and more deeply root your own intentions for energetic shift and command in your life. To seal the working and ensure intentions for the highest good of all, the journey concludes with mantra chanting that will wash over you to reinforce the new resonance, purify the mind and root in more heart-centered focus so that you may shine your light brightly & stand fully in your magick.

Rainbow Road Opener:

Beginning with a guided meditation journey, this session is designed to center our focus on your current intentions and the surrounding obstacles. You will be guided to somatically sense and cast a spell of integration upon your obstacles, alchemizing them for creative fuel. The 4 card tarot reading that follows will elaborate upon the energy at hand, how you can connect more harmoniously, and how to take heartful empowered action to conjure your goals to fruition. The next steps of the co-creative Soul journey are in your hands!

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“Integration exalts and illuminates your magnetism. Embrace your resilience and unlock your creative potential!”


Starbeam is an Eclectic Energist and skilled spellcaster with a special focus on heart-centered living and ascension magick. With a background in bodywork, yoga, and multiple energy work modalities, their aim is to holistically bolster deeper faith in your magick and full reclamation of your ability to command energy. 


Stacy :: Human Design | Authenticity Coaching


Sydney :: Intuitive Tarot | Ritual | Candle Magick